Suffern Campus
In the late 1950s the Yeshiva moved out from New York City to Suffern NY, bringing all the advanced Talmidim to a fifteen acre campus in the quiet and serene surroundings of upstate New York. The site had housing facilities that were outdated, and in the 1960s a new building was erected. As the local community grew in the surrounding Monsey area, the Yeshiva expanded our projects and services to accommodate the growth.

The Yeshiva serves students of all ages and has one of the most highly respected Rabbinical Kollel programs in the world. It has an extensive library of rare sefarim and manuscripts in addition to priceless letters, sefarim and artifacts from the Chofetz Chaim. We are in need for additional space and we have started planning for a major expansion of our facilities at the main campus site.

Founded By the Chofetz Chaim Zt"l 1864
Copyright 2019 Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim Inc.
The main campus Chofetz Chaim project has begun with the successful removal of the mid 1800s house of the Chofetz Chaim from the town of Radin in Belarus. The home is now in storage at its new site on the Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim campus in Suffern, New York.

It is our goal that this unique blend of historical importance, religious significance and educational possibilities that would be made available by utilizing this structure as a Torah educational center, museum and Radin memorial, will help educate our young, and the lessons of our past will help us better ourselves in the future.
It is our "Tfilloh" that we be successful in instilling in our generation the lessons of the Chofetz Chaim and that they in turn pass on what they have internalized to their future generations; the importance of living a Torah life, with ethical behavior,
modesty, humility, kindness, friendship, charity, warmth, understanding and careful speech.